The American University of Armenia is a leading institution in the country with a goal to educate the youth and them with a world class education to become forward thinking and innovative citizens of Armenia. AUA’s need-blind admission policy ensures this reality for students, encouraging students from all over Armenia to apply and become a part of the AUA community. Your contribution towards the scholarship program, whether through the establishment of an Endowed Named Scholarship or an Annual Named Scholarship, will help AUA invest in the best and brightest students, allowing them to carry forward towards their path to obtain an excellent education, and jumpstart their careers in a multitude of fields.

Establish an Endowed Named Scholarship – $50,000 or more

An Endowed Named Scholarship gives donors the opportunity to invest within the University's endowment, while also supporting a student's education. The interest accrued from the endowment, not the principal, is offered as financial aid to students, ensuring the endowment continues to grow in order to support future students. By establishing an Endowed Named Scholarship, donors can memorialize a loved one or honor a family member with confidence, since AUA’s endowments are professionally managed by the University of California (UC). Thanks to a strong partnership with the UC system, AUA benefits from the economy of scale of UC's large endowment pool, world class investment expertise, balanced investment strategies and stable annual returns. To facilitate establishing a scholarship endowment, the donation can be pledged over 5 years, but the full benefit to the student will not be realized until the endowment principal reaches $50,000. For that reason, we suggest giving an annual scholarship gift, in addition to the pledge payment, until the endowed scholarship is fully funded.

Establish an Annual Named Scholarship -- $2,500 or more

The annual cost of attendance at AUA is about $10,000 per student. However, the subsidized tuition for Armenian citizens is $3,900-$6,440, depending on the field of study. A named scholarship can be established with a minimum annual donation of $4,000, which provides full tuition support. A minimum of a $2,500 named scholarship can also be donated to provide partial tuition support for one student. Donors typically opt to make multi-year pledges so that the scholarship recipient is supported throughout the entire course of his or her studies.